BillMyBank is the easiest way for your customers to pay

Say goodbye to checkout hurdles and hello to seamless transactions with Pepper Pay's ACH solution — Bill My Bank. It's not just easy, it's the simplest route to a successful transaction, designed to optimize conversion rates. No app installations or card details required. With a one-time linking of their existing bank account, online shoppers can securely make payments from any location, ensuring a hassle-free experience every time. Our Bill My Bank setup is swift and intuitive, guaranteeing a smooth experience for both merchants and their valued customers.

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hand holding a phone with a mobile wallet app

Customer Centricity = Brand Loyalty

Life is moving fast. So are online shoppers.
Making your products and services easy to purchase is a must to win customer loyalty

Less really does get you more.

Never let too many steps in your checkout process lead to customers abandoning their cart or losing interest and shopping somewhere else.

heading image with screen captures of the app
Simple Sign Up

Using data aggregation and identify verification customers only need to input their address and bank account username and password once and never again.

Frictionless Checkout

No app downloads. No card number insertion. No social security required. We removed friction from the checkout process to make customer checkout as easy as possible.

Superior Security

BillMyBank leverages the customers' existing bank to ensure maximum security on every transaction. All activity is securely verified to guarantee accuracy for customer and merchants.

Account Verification

BillMyBank will only approve transactions for accounts with enough funds for each unique transaction. Reducing chargebacks and mitigating fraud simultaneously.

24/7 Human Support

Support is what we do best. To ensure your customers can pay for anything, anytime from anywhere we have full time humans around the clock to help with any issues that may arise.

Simplicity and Speed Win Customers

Online customers organically reward merchants who make purchasing their products simple. The global average rate of shopping cart abandonment is more than 75% and even higher on mobile. Slow loading pages and lengthy checkout processes are the top two reasons customers don't complete orders once they begin. BillMyBank simply has the least amount of steps and requirements making it the easiest way for customers to purchase. It is hard enough to get qualified ready to buy shoppers to your website, never let a complex checkout process lead to a lost sale. Spend your time creating amazing products, let our team make them easy to buy online!

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heading image with screen captures of the app

The easiest way for your customers to pay

Simply the shortest path to a complete transaction to maximize conversions.
No app downloads or card numbers necessary. Online shoppers link their existing bank account once and can securely pay every time from anywhere.

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